

Annie Lord, dating columnist at British Vogue and author of break-up memoir Notes On Heartbreak, thinks this might be the case. "I just really want someone to run to me and tell me everything they love about me, to lay it all out there like Harry did," she says, recalling her love for When Harry Met Sally. "I used to fantasise about that all the time, to the point where I would be disappointed if it never happened to me." To Lord, some of the moments that stick out most from her favourite romcoms seem outdated today, like a man defending a woman's honour, and whisking her off her feet. "I know in my head that, as a woman, I can do that for myself. But watching those older romcoms there's a fantasy in not having to be self-sufficient, even though I know I can be," she says. "They take us back to a simpler time. Everything is just so stressful right now. The planet is burning, the economy is terrible, so there's an escapism there." Now that we're able to better identify outdated storylines and norms in romcoms, there is a knowing irony which allows us to still enjoy them, with a pinch of salt.

โพสต์โดย : momotaararaki momotaararaki เมื่อ 15 ก.พ. 2566 16:56:07 น. อ่าน 104 ตอบ 0
