

It all starts with the unmasking of Spider-Man. Back in the Raimi-Maguire era, J Jonah Jameson, as played by the magnificently grumpy JK Simmons, was the editor of a big city newspaper. In a slyly satirical update, he returns now as the presenter of his own conspiracy-based news website – and he still loathes your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. When he tells the world that Spidey is really Peter Parker, the legal ramifications vanish rather too quickly, but the bad publicity is enough to stop Peter, his sardonic girlfriend MJ (Zendaya) and his nerdy buddy Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon) being accepted by the college of their choice. Overreacting somewhat, Peter begs Marvel's resident wizard, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), to cast a spell that will erase his dual identity from the memories of everyone in the universe. Alas, the spell goes wrong, and the Doctor accidentally summons various people from other universes instead.
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โพสต์โดย : momotaararaki momotaararaki เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2564 17:57:01 น. อ่าน 202 ตอบ 0
