
The office spaces transforming into luxury apartments

Paris-based creative agency Studio 5·5 devised the markings in response to a call issued by the Paris municipality in preparation for the city’s Phase II, a period of partial lockdown-rule relaxation between May and July that included the re-opening of some schools. France has since entered its Phase III, which allowed for all schools to re-open, and the wave-shaped signs have been expanded to another two schools, in a different Parisian district, with more soon to join the scheme.

อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม> โรงเรียนน้ำตกห้วยสวนพลู
สาระน่ารู้> โรคผิวหนัง

โพสต์โดย : bao bao เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2565 13:08:01 น. อ่าน 150 ตอบ 0
