
The workers quitting over return

Even as remote-job postings have shot up during the pandemic, “the share of job searches that contain keywords related to remote work has risen even more in most large economies”, points out Pawel Adrjan, head of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) research at Indeed. “If we look at the US overall, searches for remote work have gone up four-and-a half times as a share of all searches since 2019, and the share of remote job postings has gone up by only 3.2 times.”

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สาระน่ารู้> นิโคติน

โพสต์โดย : bao bao เมื่อ 28 พ.ค. 2565 17:40:18 น. อ่าน 147 ตอบ 0
